How to Get PR Packages as an Influencer or Content Creator (11 Steps)

Are you an aspiring influencer or content creator dreaming of receiving exciting PR packages from your favorite brands? Getting on brand PR lists can be a game-changer for your social media presence and content creation journey. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through proven strategies to increase your chances of receiving PR packages and building valuable relationships with brands, regardless of your follower count.

Table of Contents:

Understanding PR Packages and Their Importance

PR packages, also known as press packages or influencer boxes, are curated collections of products that brands send to influencers and content creators for promotional purposes. These packages often contain new or upcoming products, allowing influencers to create engaging content such as unboxing videos, product reviews, and tutorials.

Benefits of Receiving PR Packages:

  1. Free products to review and feature in content
  2. Consistent source of fresh, exciting content ideas
  3. Opportunity to build relationships with brands
  4. Potential for paid collaborations in the future
  5. Increased credibility within your niche

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting PR Packages

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting PR Packages

1. Build Your Platform and Establish Your Brand

Before brands consider sending you PR packages, you need to establish a solid foundation:

  • Choose your primary social media platform (e.g., Instagram, TikTok, YouTube)
  • Consistently create high-quality content in your niche
  • Aim for at least 1,000 followers or 3-6 months of consistent content
  • Define your unique voice and aesthetic

Pro Tip: Focus on quality over quantity. Brands often value engagement rates more than follower count, especially for micro-influencers.

2. Optimize Your Profile for Brand Discovery

Make it easy for brands to find and contact you:

  • Include relevant keywords and hashtags in your content
  • Add your email address to your social media bios
  • Consider setting up a PO box for receiving packages (note that some brands may not ship to PO boxes)
  • Create a professional media kit showcasing your audience demographics and engagement rates

3. Engage with Brands Authentically

Show genuine interest in the brands you want to work with:

  • Follow and interact with brands on social media
  • Tag brands in relevant content
  • Demonstrate brand loyalty by consistently featuring products you love
  • Share honest reviews and experiences with products you've purchased

4. Research and Target Brands Strategically

Be strategic in your approach:

  • Start with smaller or indie brands, which are often more willing to work with micro-influencers
  • Look for brands that align with your content and values
  • Research their PR practices and requirements
  • Analyze other influencers in your niche who receive PR from your target brands

5. Reach Out to Brands Professionally

Take the initiative to connect with brands:

  • Craft a professional pitch email
  • Highlight your engagement rates and audience demographics
  • Explain why you'd be a good fit for their PR list
  • Propose creative collaboration ideas

Important: Be selective about the brands you approach and the PR you accept. Only work with brands that align with your values and content.

6. Leverage Influencer Platforms

Utilize platforms designed to connect influencers with brands:

  • Sign up for platforms like Influenster, Octoly, or Skeepers
  • These can help you connect with brands looking for influencers, especially when you're starting out

7. Create High-Quality Content Featuring Products

When you receive products, make the most of the opportunity:

  • Create engaging, high-quality content featuring the products
  • Share genuine reviews and experiences
  • Tag the brand and use relevant hashtags
  • Consider using licensed music to enhance your video content

8. Network and Collaborate Within Your Niche

Expand your reach and opportunities:

  • Connect with other influencers in your niche
  • Attend industry events and brand launches when possible
  • Participate in online communities related to your niche

9. Maintain Professionalism and Reliability

Build a reputation as a trustworthy influencer:

  • Respond promptly to brand communications
  • Follow through on any agreed-upon content creation
  • Meet deadlines and maintain open communication with brands

10. Stay Authentic and Transparent

Maintain your credibility with your audience:

  • Only accept PR from brands that align with your content and values
  • Be honest in your reviews and maintain your audience's trust
  • Disclose when you've received products as PR

11. Continuously Grow and Adapt Your Strategy

Stay ahead in the influencer game:

  • Work on growing your following and engagement
  • Stay up-to-date with industry trends and adjust your strategy as needed
  • Analyze your performance and refine your approach based on data


How to Get PR Packages as an Influencer or Content Creator (11 Steps)

Getting PR packages as an influencer or content creator requires dedication, strategy, and patience. By following these steps and consistently producing high-quality content, you'll increase your chances of attracting brand partnerships and receiving exciting PR packages. Remember, building relationships with brands takes time, so focus on creating value for your audience, and the opportunities will likely follow as you grow your platform and influence.

Stay authentic, be professional, and keep creating amazing content. With persistence and the right approach, you'll be unboxing those coveted PR packages before you know it!

Frequently Asked Questions

How many followers do I need to receive PR packages? +

There's no set number, but typically aim for at least 1,000 followers to qualify as a micro-influencer. However, engagement rates and content quality often matter more than follower count.

Are there any risks in accepting PR packages? +

Be aware of potential obligations or expectations from brands. Always disclose when you've received products as PR to maintain transparency with your audience.

How is AI impacting influencer marketing in 2024? +

AI is increasingly being integrated into influencer marketing for tasks like creator discovery, campaign optimization, and performance analytics. It's helping brands make data-driven decisions and predict trends.

Are micro-influencers still relevant in 2024? +

Yes, micro-influencers remain highly relevant. Brands are focusing on niche experts and specialized influencers to reach targeted audiences more effectively.

What platforms are dominating influencer marketing in 2024? +

TikTok continues to lead the charge, with its diverse and growing user base. However, platforms like Instagram and YouTube remain important, and LinkedIn is rising for B2B influencer marketing.


  1. This guide was incredibly helpful! I appreciate the detailed steps on how to get PR packages, especially the emphasis on building authentic relationships with brands and creating high-quality content.

  2. Great article with some very helpful tips for getting PR packages as a blogger or influencer! I especially liked your advice about building genuine relationships with brands and PR agencies over time.

  3. Great article! The tips on how to get PR packages are really helpful and actionable. Thanks for sharing these insights!

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